The micro:bit Python Editor v3 can be translated into a number of languages. 

Contributing a translation

The Micro:bit Educational Foundation uses a community translation service called Crowdin to manage the translations, so if you do not already have an account, you will need to signup as a new Crowdin user. Once you have signed up a member of the Foundation will approve your access to the project.

We'd also encourage you to sign up as a translator/proofreader on the website, so we can keep in contact and let you know about the latest translation activities. 

When you have signed up to Crowdin and logged in, you will find the Python Editor v3 content under new/apps/python-editor-v3 and cms/main/apps. 

Selecting the file in your language will bring up the list of English source strings for you to translate using the Crowdin editor. Once the strings are translated, they will go through a separate proofreading process.

When translating the technical content in the editor, it is essential that the correct terminology is used. API stubs for example require very specific knowledge to remain accurate and Python keywords and terminology are commonly referenced in the text. 

You will need to be able to identify Python keywords and ensure that they are not translated and remain in English. For example “You can build more complex conditions using and, or and not.

Please see the video below for a detailed guide and contact our team via [email protected] with any questions.

The translation programme is open to the whole micro:bit community and sometimes we use Crowdin tasks to coordinate specific packages of content. If you have experience of Python and would like to be added to the task the please contact a member of the team via [email protected].