We quote statistics in various places, such as on microbit.org and micro:bit related leaflets. This article explains how these statistics are calculated. 

Number of students that have learnt with micro:bit 

As of the end of January 2025, we estimated that 59.5 million students have learnt with micro:bit. 

This estimated figure includes the use of the physical micro:bit board and other micro:bit resources.

Number of micro:bits distributed

As of the end of January 2025, 10.5 million micro:bits have been distributed. 

How we calculate these figures

The reach figure is a global estimate of how many students have been reached since the BBC micro:bit board was first distributed in 2016. The estimate is based on extrapolation from worldwide sales and donations using a multiplier that has been calculated based on detailed, independent research into usage within the UK and how this is reflected in UK sales and donations data. The methodology produces an estimated range and the figure we publish is from the lower end of the range. Fresh data is collected regularly to optimise the accuracy of this estimate.