With the micro:bit wearable

The official micro:bit branded wearable allows you to connect your micro:bit to your battery pack with a flexible holder, and attach it to your wrist, ankle or another object with an adjustable strap.

You may also have access to the wearable straps and flexible micro:bit holders from the UK BBC micro:bit - the next gen campaign. This video explains how to use those.

Without the micro:bit wearable 

You can attach your micro:bit and battery holder together using our cardboard battery holder which comes in the box, or can be downloaded and printed from our website. Instructions on how to make this holder are included on our website

We suggest attaching these to your wrist or ankle using pipe cleaners. Elastic bands or hairbands can also work. Whatever idea you use, do be careful not to make it too tight or cause discomfort or injury.