There are a huge range of accessories available for the BBC micro:bit.  The Foundation aims to ensure that whenever a change is made to the board, such as the onboard speaker and microphone on the latest revision, that we are considerate of all the accessories that exist and work with accessory makers to ensure they are compatible.

Accessories can now have a badge to denote compatibility.  If you are an accessory maker and would like to use the badges in your packaging, see our brand guidelines for further advice on usage.

If you are not sure which micro:bit version you have, see our article on How to identify the version number of your micro:bit

compatible with versions and 2 badge

This badge shows that the accessory is compatible with both the latest and previous revisions of the micro:bit.

compatible with version 2 only badge

This badge shows that the accessory is only compatible with the latest revision of the micro:bit, with the speaker and microphone.

compatible with version 1 only badge

This badge shows that the accessory is only compatible with the earlier revision of the micro:bit, without the speaker and microphone