This article provides a list of the shortcuts included within the micro:bit Python editor to support accessibility and productivity. 

General shortcuts (for use anywhere in the Python Editor)

These can be used anywhere in the editor. 

Shortcut description

Microsoft Windows

Mac, iOS, iPadOS

Send project to (flash) micro:bit
Save projectCtrl+Shift+S
Open search barCtrl+Shift+FCmd+Shift+F
Copy highlighted text or code snippet in Reference or APICtrl+C (except in serial console, see below)Cmd+C
Cut highlighted textCtrl+XCmd+X
Paste copied text or code snippetCtrl+V (except in serial console, see below)Cmd+V

Note that cut, copy and paste commands can also be accessed by right clicking on your mouse or press and hold on a touch screen device.

Editor shortcuts 

These shortcuts can be used within the editor area only:

Shortcut description

Microsoft Windows

Mac, iOS, iPadOS

Move the cursor in the textArrow keysArrow keys
Indent codeTabTab

Remove a level of indent

Manually trigger autocomplete (if available at current cursor position)Ctrl+SpaceCtrl+Space
Open parameter help (if available at current cursor position)Ctrl+Shift+SpaceCmd+Shift+Space
Show errors in a list that can be navigated with up/down arrowsCtrl+Shift+MCmd+Shift+M
Tab forwards out of the EditorEsc then TabEsc then Tab
Tab backwards out of the EditorEsc then Shift+TabEsc then Shift+Tab
Comment/uncomment out a lineCtrl+/Cmd+/

Serial shortcuts

These shortcuts work in the serial console area only. 

Shortcut description

Microsoft Windows

Mac, iOS, iPadOS

Interrupt micro:bit program
Restart micro:bit programCtrl+DCtrl+D
Copy from serial consoleCtrl+Shift+C
Paste in serial consoleCtrl+Shift+VCmd+V